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New York Middle East Institute © Yosef Yakov-Lev, CEO
Israeli Cabinet declared Gaza a hostile entity / state, territory (*).
That means de jure:
Israeli Cabinet has officially recognized Arab state on Jewish land as a separate territory, entity, state! Cabinet have done this traitorous official recognition of Arab state four years PRIOR to a similar UN recognition, that is coming on September 2011 and is called
"terrible anti-Israeli earthquake and tsunami".
Yes, it is terrible, and this betrayal of Jewish state has already done by the right-wing Israeli Cabinet voluntarily! In fact they are worst enemy of Israel than UN!
Therefore, for example, Israeli commandos had to clash Gaza flotilla ships in international waters - because extremely stupid Cabinet voluntarily recognized waters near by Gaza as not ours!
Many people do not want Gaza. Sure, we don't have to babysit it. But we should NOT remove our RIGHTS to beat them up when need be. How much brainpower is needed to realize the difference between responsibilities and rights? Very little, but nobody in Israeli Cabinet or among hundreds of their highly paid so called "professional advisers" has even this little bit of intellect.
They only have diplomas received by memorizing and repeating any garbage they have been given via the same silly Cabinet...
I want to repeat:
Traitorous right-wing Cabinet has done this betrayal voluntarily, without any reason or compulsion!!!
It's not my first explanation of this betrayal. I explained it as soon as it was done. I informed all the Israeli politicians and so called "Jewish leaders" about this, but the only thing they care is the fight with our people for their personal power... I publicly explained it in my TV show right after the flotilla incident http://vimeo.com/13980410 and I keep explaining it on a regular basis.
Unfortunately people don't listen to the intellectual proofs presented by real specialists. People prefer to idolatry the same frivolous silly bureaucrats who betray them.
The worst situation bureaucrats and leaders create - the stronger people beg and idolatry them. Bureaucrats and politicians never create solutions - they peculate on problems.
1. All Israeli political and legal paid professionals are stupid and traitorous.
2. It is necessary to provide huge support to wise independent specialists, who can grow and survive ONLY outside of bureaucratic structures.
3. Rightists are no better than Leftists - they are all stupid...
4. Jewish land is sacrificed by the Rightists ONLY.
5. Pretty often Rightists betray Israel without any reason, like in this case, where even UN (!) asked them not to do i
Yes, real solutions are created, fully developed and 100% ready for the victory! Lack of your understanding and support is the only thing that holds us from been the winners.
Stop idolatry disgraceful bureaucrats and total idiots; support real specialist and real solutions!
It's our last chance to survive! With these idiots we are losing the patient, our only country...
(*) For this BBC announcement see: http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/mpapps/pagetools/print/news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/7002576.stm
This betrayal started on 2007-09-05 with a good title, as all the traitors do.
Israeli Cabinet discussed Kassam rocket fire and:
1. They already know that army can not solve the problem, but in a year they use army for the populism on election time.
2. Stupid heads of these "strong leaders" can only bite each other, they unable to think and to do any good for Israel.
3. Unable to understand the system and to create the solution, these idiots can only spread tonnes of mendacious promises and to write traitorous papers like the one above
Israeli Cabinet declared Gaza a hostile entity / state, territory (*).
That means de jure:
Israeli Cabinet has officially recognized Arab state on Jewish land as a separate territory, entity, state! Cabinet have done this traitorous official recognition of Arab state four years PRIOR to a similar UN recognition, that is coming on September 2011 and is called
"terrible anti-Israeli earthquake and tsunami".
Yes, it is terrible, and this betrayal of Jewish state has already done by the right-wing Israeli Cabinet voluntarily! In fact they are worst enemy of Israel than UN!
Therefore, for example, Israeli commandos had to clash Gaza flotilla ships in international waters - because extremely stupid Cabinet voluntarily recognized waters near by Gaza as not ours!
Many people do not want Gaza. Sure, we don't have to babysit it. But we should NOT remove our RIGHTS to beat them up when need be. How much brainpower is needed to realize the difference between responsibilities and rights? Very little, but nobody in Israeli Cabinet or among hundreds of their highly paid so called "professional advisers" has even this little bit of intellect.
They only have diplomas received by memorizing and repeating any garbage they have been given via the same silly Cabinet...
I want to repeat:
Traitorous right-wing Cabinet has done this betrayal voluntarily, without any reason or compulsion!!!
It's not my first explanation of this betrayal. I explained it as soon as it was done. I informed all the Israeli politicians and so called "Jewish leaders" about this, but the only thing they care is the fight with our people for their personal power... I publicly explained it in my TV show right after the flotilla incident http://vimeo.com/13980410 and I keep explaining it on a regular basis.
Unfortunately people don't listen to the intellectual proofs presented by real specialists. People prefer to idolatry the same frivolous silly bureaucrats who betray them.
The worst situation bureaucrats and leaders create - the stronger people beg and idolatry them. Bureaucrats and politicians never create solutions - they peculate on problems.
1. All Israeli political and legal paid professionals are stupid and traitorous.
2. It is necessary to provide huge support to wise independent specialists, who can grow and survive ONLY outside of bureaucratic structures.
3. Rightists are no better than Leftists - they are all stupid...
4. Jewish land is sacrificed by the Rightists ONLY.
5. Pretty often Rightists betray Israel without any reason, like in this case, where even UN (!) asked them not to do i
Yes, real solutions are created, fully developed and 100% ready for the victory! Lack of your understanding and support is the only thing that holds us from been the winners.
Stop idolatry disgraceful bureaucrats and total idiots; support real specialist and real solutions!
It's our last chance to survive! With these idiots we are losing the patient, our only country...
(*) For this BBC announcement see: http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/mpapps/pagetools/print/news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/7002576.stm
This betrayal started on 2007-09-05 with a good title, as all the traitors do.
Israeli Cabinet discussed Kassam rocket fire and:
1. They already know that army can not solve the problem, but in a year they use army for the populism on election time.
2. Stupid heads of these "strong leaders" can only bite each other, they unable to think and to do any good for Israel.
3. Unable to understand the system and to create the solution, these idiots can only spread tonnes of mendacious promises and to write traitorous papers like the one above