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Our communication with UN
Yosef Yakov-Lev, CEO
New York Middle East Institute
New York Middle East Institute
2011-05-22, 2011-05-26, 2011-05-31
Spokesperson Karean Peretz
Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN
Karean, it was nice talking to you.
Following is the very minimum to start understanding the REAL solutions we have created over eight years ago and widely published over two years ago, say in the book ISBN 1448667615.
I do a lot of explanations on US, Canadian, Israeli national channels - TV, radio, web, etc. So other people started understanding the REAL solutions. Little by little people learn them, but they keep making terrible mistakes. For example 48 Jewish "professional international law attorneys" just sent an extremely damaging letter to Mr. Ban Ki-Moon. Without deep understanding of the legal solutions that we have created, these attorneys made in their letter bunch of terrible mistakes, suicidal for Israel.
Not to mention that in current situation ANY kind of letter is the sabotage wasting of our extremely limited time frame. We have to immediately go to the court to get the "stay" condition, when no changes allowed to the current status till the very end of the process.
For over eight years we are 100% ready to do the job to save Israel, but Jewish functionaries aggressively lock us out of all the financial and other resources exactly because we are different from the people who messed Israel up.
These 48 attorneys made suicidal mistakes even despite of the fact that for over two years I am in direct communication with the press-secretary of the organization that prepared such a terribly mistaken letter. Her name is Masha Zbolinskaya (Pisetskaya). She is doing her best delivering my works, but she can not command to these attorney so they deny all her efforts (but they have all our materials delivered right on top of these desks).
Without deep understanding of the legal solutions these attorneys create suicidal problems only. Some of created by these attorneys terrible problems are explained above. Here are few more of the problems these attorneys keep creating: they don't even understand that we can NOT use Article 80 unless we prove our rights (see below how to do it). Mandate is not a source of our rights, but a ratification, which is NOTHING UNLESS WE PROVE the source of the rights. These attorneys created dozens and dozens of terrible suicidal mistakes, that I can explain to you at your convenience.
The main point of the complete defenses of Israel is: We have to PROVE (not just to declare in some letter) that we are the lawful owners of the land.
Here is the complete but extremely concise manual on how to prove our rights and how to defend Israel completely: http://summary.JewishStatement.org/ . Please read it slowly and learn attentively - to properly understand the legal weapons is much more complicated than to scream oversimplified quasi-patriotic slogans (what everybody do for all these years).
Following is just the easiest part of the solution - it is applicable for our contemporary argent problems with UN.
See Article 80 of the Charter of UN http://un.org/en/documents/charter/chapter12.shtml
it reads:
"NOTHING in this [UN] Chapter shall be construed in or of itself TO ALTER IN ANY MANNER THE RIGHTS whatsoever of any state or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments"
Here what it literally means in plain English:
1) If Jews had a Treaty with Arabs - then UN must follow it. UN has no power to alter it.
We do have Arab-Jewish Treaty on Jewish Homeland in Palestine.
It clearly says that all Palestine must be Jewish. By the way, it is 100% valid.
Arab-Jewish Treaty
2) If there is a League of Nation's ratification, or decision, or Mandate - then UN has no power to alter it.
We have all that as well - see details in Mandate for Palestine
3) So it's COMPLETELY ILLEGAL TO SAY anything like:
- "UN can overcome the Arab-Jewish Treaty" or
- "UN is an assignee of League of Nation and therefore could overcome the provisions/conditions of the Mandate" or
- "UN could overcoming the Arab-Jewish Treaty and the Mandate for Palestine" or
- "UN can/could partition Palestine" or
- "UN can/could partition Jerusalem" or
- "UN had/has rights to issue and enforce UN Resolution 181(II) - Partition Plan for Palestine" or
- etc...
Again, any of these statements are COMPLETELY ILLEGAL according to the Charter of UN, Article 80.
Based on that, contemporary situation with UN we can resolve issuing court decision (NY court is OK) that any attempt to create or to recognize an Arab state or Arab kingdom in Palestine is completely illegal and therefore can not be done by UN. We better get this court decision in advance.
We can add that based on the same ground the 1947 UN Partition Plan for Palestine is illegal as well. Therefore it can not have any power. Despite of this clear fact, all the university textbooks and all the professional thesis spread felonious British disinformation that UN Partition Plan was legal and must be followed.
The truth is: The only legal and enforceable document is the "Arab-Jewish Treaty on Jewish land in Palestine" and its ratifications. 64 countries (including former sovereign of this territory Turkey) ratified that document in various forms: from the Mandate to The Treaty of Lausanne. So it is one of the most undoubtable document ever existed, but stupid traitorous Jewish lawyers never ever used it. Never even tried...
I created much more ways to defend and save Israel. Say according to the 1933 Montevideo Convention, there are certain conditions a state should conform and to comply in order to proclaim itself lawfully. There is no way for any Arab state (or autonomy) to be legal in Palestine unless we, all the Jews (not the government) donate our rights and our land to them.
Spokesperson Karean Peretz
Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN
Karean, it was nice talking to you.
Following is the very minimum to start understanding the REAL solutions we have created over eight years ago and widely published over two years ago, say in the book ISBN 1448667615.
I do a lot of explanations on US, Canadian, Israeli national channels - TV, radio, web, etc. So other people started understanding the REAL solutions. Little by little people learn them, but they keep making terrible mistakes. For example 48 Jewish "professional international law attorneys" just sent an extremely damaging letter to Mr. Ban Ki-Moon. Without deep understanding of the legal solutions that we have created, these attorneys made in their letter bunch of terrible mistakes, suicidal for Israel.
Not to mention that in current situation ANY kind of letter is the sabotage wasting of our extremely limited time frame. We have to immediately go to the court to get the "stay" condition, when no changes allowed to the current status till the very end of the process.
For over eight years we are 100% ready to do the job to save Israel, but Jewish functionaries aggressively lock us out of all the financial and other resources exactly because we are different from the people who messed Israel up.
These 48 attorneys made suicidal mistakes even despite of the fact that for over two years I am in direct communication with the press-secretary of the organization that prepared such a terribly mistaken letter. Her name is Masha Zbolinskaya (Pisetskaya). She is doing her best delivering my works, but she can not command to these attorney so they deny all her efforts (but they have all our materials delivered right on top of these desks).
Without deep understanding of the legal solutions these attorneys create suicidal problems only. Some of created by these attorneys terrible problems are explained above. Here are few more of the problems these attorneys keep creating: they don't even understand that we can NOT use Article 80 unless we prove our rights (see below how to do it). Mandate is not a source of our rights, but a ratification, which is NOTHING UNLESS WE PROVE the source of the rights. These attorneys created dozens and dozens of terrible suicidal mistakes, that I can explain to you at your convenience.
The main point of the complete defenses of Israel is: We have to PROVE (not just to declare in some letter) that we are the lawful owners of the land.
Here is the complete but extremely concise manual on how to prove our rights and how to defend Israel completely: http://summary.JewishStatement.org/ . Please read it slowly and learn attentively - to properly understand the legal weapons is much more complicated than to scream oversimplified quasi-patriotic slogans (what everybody do for all these years).
Following is just the easiest part of the solution - it is applicable for our contemporary argent problems with UN.
See Article 80 of the Charter of UN http://un.org/en/documents/charter/chapter12.shtml
it reads:
"NOTHING in this [UN] Chapter shall be construed in or of itself TO ALTER IN ANY MANNER THE RIGHTS whatsoever of any state or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments"
Here what it literally means in plain English:
1) If Jews had a Treaty with Arabs - then UN must follow it. UN has no power to alter it.
We do have Arab-Jewish Treaty on Jewish Homeland in Palestine.
It clearly says that all Palestine must be Jewish. By the way, it is 100% valid.
Arab-Jewish Treaty
2) If there is a League of Nation's ratification, or decision, or Mandate - then UN has no power to alter it.
We have all that as well - see details in Mandate for Palestine
3) So it's COMPLETELY ILLEGAL TO SAY anything like:
- "UN can overcome the Arab-Jewish Treaty" or
- "UN is an assignee of League of Nation and therefore could overcome the provisions/conditions of the Mandate" or
- "UN could overcoming the Arab-Jewish Treaty and the Mandate for Palestine" or
- "UN can/could partition Palestine" or
- "UN can/could partition Jerusalem" or
- "UN had/has rights to issue and enforce UN Resolution 181(II) - Partition Plan for Palestine" or
- etc...
Again, any of these statements are COMPLETELY ILLEGAL according to the Charter of UN, Article 80.
Based on that, contemporary situation with UN we can resolve issuing court decision (NY court is OK) that any attempt to create or to recognize an Arab state or Arab kingdom in Palestine is completely illegal and therefore can not be done by UN. We better get this court decision in advance.
We can add that based on the same ground the 1947 UN Partition Plan for Palestine is illegal as well. Therefore it can not have any power. Despite of this clear fact, all the university textbooks and all the professional thesis spread felonious British disinformation that UN Partition Plan was legal and must be followed.
The truth is: The only legal and enforceable document is the "Arab-Jewish Treaty on Jewish land in Palestine" and its ratifications. 64 countries (including former sovereign of this territory Turkey) ratified that document in various forms: from the Mandate to The Treaty of Lausanne. So it is one of the most undoubtable document ever existed, but stupid traitorous Jewish lawyers never ever used it. Never even tried...
I created much more ways to defend and save Israel. Say according to the 1933 Montevideo Convention, there are certain conditions a state should conform and to comply in order to proclaim itself lawfully. There is no way for any Arab state (or autonomy) to be legal in Palestine unless we, all the Jews (not the government) donate our rights and our land to them.
to.overcome.un.pdf | |
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silly.non-professional_48.attorneys_institute.contemporary.affairs.pdf | |
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New York Middle East Institute, Yosef Yakov-Lev, CEO
please learn the summary of the complete set
of the solutions at http://summary.NYMEI.org
please learn the summary of the complete set
of the solutions at http://summary.NYMEI.org