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Jewish Legal Assets
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- Al Aqsa and Dome of the Rock
- BenAri Truth
- Jewish rights to Jerusalem according to Qu'ran - Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi
- Only Jews are the real Palestinians (Heb)
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- פלשתינה - דוד וגוליית >
- עלילת הדם האחרונה
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- How-To-Cancel-A-Treaty-Heb
- burying ourselves again
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- declaration-of-independence-heb
- yaron london recognizes jewish palestine-heb
(the biggest anti-Israeli fraud and conspiracy ever)
New York Middle East Institute © Yosef Yakov-Lev, CEO
The adequate observation and approach

"Thou shalt surely rebuke thy neighbor, and not bear sin because of him" - Torah, Vayikra 19:17
More and more Jews become Anti-Israeli on a daily basis, especially Jewish religious orthodox people. These Jews learn Torah day after day for ages, and they hate ANY idea of Jewish made Jewish state on Jewish land.
If Torah is not enough to convince religious Jews, then you can't keep repeating that Torah is sufficient proof for all gentiles.
As a matter of the fact, such oversimplified statement about sufficiency of Torah alone is completely contradictory to Torah itself, to Torah's manual on how to protect Israel (the people and the property) - see Torah's mitzvah # 237
More and more Jews become Anti-Israeli on a daily basis, especially Jewish religious orthodox people. These Jews learn Torah day after day for ages, and they hate ANY idea of Jewish made Jewish state on Jewish land.
If Torah is not enough to convince religious Jews, then you can't keep repeating that Torah is sufficient proof for all gentiles.
As a matter of the fact, such oversimplified statement about sufficiency of Torah alone is completely contradictory to Torah itself, to Torah's manual on how to protect Israel (the people and the property) - see Torah's mitzvah # 237
According to Torah, saving Israel should be done in courts (doesn't matter you like it or not), and everyone is required to put maximum resources for the preparation of the court cases to protect Israeli legal assets.
Absolutely no excuses and no delays allowed by Torah. Torah clearly stated that anyone who is not participated on a maximum scale basis, brakes ALL the Torah's prohibiting commandments.
There is no other Tora's commandment, set force with such a strict order, but religious Jews don't care what Torah really required from them. They replaced Torah with billions of earthborn hints on how to make money and positions via total servility, perverting Torah and covering badly sins. Finally we see only such positions and only such functionaries - religious and civil...
If religious Jews completely ignore Torah's strongest commandment, than it's not a surprise that civilian Jews also ignore them. Therefore Jews have all the problems...
So the huge majority of the people in the world already hate Israel as much as we see it everywhere (including most of the media). A 50000 Anti-Israeli demonstration in a non-populated New Zealand is a regular happening that don't surprise anybody anymore.We can't keep throwing off the thinking process and keep blaming "beastly Arabs" only, especially considering of what we see in the Jewish communities.
Absolutely no excuses and no delays allowed by Torah. Torah clearly stated that anyone who is not participated on a maximum scale basis, brakes ALL the Torah's prohibiting commandments.
There is no other Tora's commandment, set force with such a strict order, but religious Jews don't care what Torah really required from them. They replaced Torah with billions of earthborn hints on how to make money and positions via total servility, perverting Torah and covering badly sins. Finally we see only such positions and only such functionaries - religious and civil...
If religious Jews completely ignore Torah's strongest commandment, than it's not a surprise that civilian Jews also ignore them. Therefore Jews have all the problems...
So the huge majority of the people in the world already hate Israel as much as we see it everywhere (including most of the media). A 50000 Anti-Israeli demonstration in a non-populated New Zealand is a regular happening that don't surprise anybody anymore.We can't keep throwing off the thinking process and keep blaming "beastly Arabs" only, especially considering of what we see in the Jewish communities.
The Anti-Israeli biggest conspiracy
This terrifying conspiracy is finally uncovered! I have to explain to you the fact that ALL the encyclopedias, textbooks and "professional dissertations" are deadly poisoned with terrible disinformation against Israel.
All the professionals, including Jewish lawyers and historians sold Israel over for their "recognized by the world" diplomas and for their huge salaries.
Below are the proven examples of this unfaithful traitorous sell.
All the professionals, including Jewish lawyers and historians sold Israel over for their "recognized by the world" diplomas and for their huge salaries.
Below are the proven examples of this unfaithful traitorous sell.
The San Remo treacherous fraud
MI6 and KGB (British and Russian Secret Intelligence Services) bought all the professionals with a 100% fraud about San Remo in relation to the Mandate for Palestine. These Intelligence Services planted everywhere the following fraud: in San Remo imperialists stole the land from poor Arabs and gave it to Zionist invaders.
That's the end of Israel, and every day we observe how quickly it is coming in. The whole world is against Israel now...
That's the end of Israel, and every day we observe how quickly it is coming in. The whole world is against Israel now...
The confutation of the San Remo fraud
The truth is that the Mandate has nothing to do with San Remo. And, thanks God, the truth is totally on our site! Now, after my investigations and terrific discoveries, we are able to subvert this professional's fraud.
The truth is that Mandate was created and signed in 1922, while San Remo conference was in 1920 - it's two and a half years of a gap! Even this fact alone proves that all the professionals are insolently cheating, taking us as total dumb for dozens of ages!
Also the Mandate was created and signed in St. James' Palace in London - that is over 1000 km from San Remo, and not even on the continent!
Nobody in San Remo even discuss anything regarding Palestine (they just mentioned it once, while many other places and countries they discussed a lot with plenty of writings). Therefore the professional cheaters can not present any significant work that was done in San Remo regarding Palestine (they have only one short piece of paper with very simple general note about Palestine that exists among tons of San Remo documents).
The truth is that Mandate was created and signed in 1922, while San Remo conference was in 1920 - it's two and a half years of a gap! Even this fact alone proves that all the professionals are insolently cheating, taking us as total dumb for dozens of ages!
Also the Mandate was created and signed in St. James' Palace in London - that is over 1000 km from San Remo, and not even on the continent!
Nobody in San Remo even discuss anything regarding Palestine (they just mentioned it once, while many other places and countries they discussed a lot with plenty of writings). Therefore the professional cheaters can not present any significant work that was done in San Remo regarding Palestine (they have only one short piece of paper with very simple general note about Palestine that exists among tons of San Remo documents).
What was really done in San Remo
In San Remo British and French were too busy with their serious contradictions regarding Mesopotamia, Syria, Red Russia and with other immediate problems. They were in total deadline situation already, not to mention that France was not interested in Palestine at all. Therefore there was even nothing to discuss regarding Palestine in San Remo!
The conspiracy and traitorous deception of Jewish professionals
Despite all these clear facts, all the "professionals" keep spreading scoundrelly forgery about "big team of the best lawyers hardly worked on Palestine in San Remo, who decided there the destiny of Palestine".
The "professionals" have nothing to support this dirty forgery; therefore they are killing anybody who is trying to question and to research this terrible conspiracy.
The "professionals" have nothing to support this dirty forgery; therefore they are killing anybody who is trying to question and to research this terrible conspiracy.
The bribery of the Jewish professionals
Unfortunately all the Jewish "professionals" are bought over for their "recognized by the world" diplomas and for their huge "professional" salaries. The truth you can find only in my works and in my books. Other Jewish lawyers and Jewish historians completely sold Israel over, following MI6 and KGB shrewd dirty conspiracy (I am always ready to explain how exactly this tremendous massive treason was set up, but it will be one more big story).
Big professional sell of all the Jewish legal assets
This is the way how all the Jewish legal assets for Jewish land were sold over to the enemies. It was done not by any foreigners, but by the Jewish "professional" lawyers and by Jewish "professional" historians...
All of the Jewish lawyers and historians still insist on this legal end of Israel. That's why the factual end of Israel is going on so quickly. Why they have done it? Because all their diplomas and dissertations are based on this deadly fraud against Israel.
All of the Jewish lawyers and historians still insist on this legal end of Israel. That's why the factual end of Israel is going on so quickly. Why they have done it? Because all their diplomas and dissertations are based on this deadly fraud against Israel.
How badly they are covering this treacherous sell
Now you have to make yourself ready to the situation where all the Jewish lawyers and historians aggressively support that deadly fraud against Israel. They do it in extremely dishonest, very dirty way.
For example, I completely won all the scientific battles with them. I've proved Jewish legal rights for Palestine. Should every Jew be happy? No! Not the "professionals". Proven Jewish rights are totally contradictory to all the Jewish dissertations and diplomas, which are recognised by this world.
Bought over for their diplomas, all the Jewish lawyers and historians are still fighting against the Jewish legal rights! Therefore they keep destroying the transcripts of our scientific battles and they stopped all of my invitations to all the conferences. Say, a lot of my arguments were deleted from the following branch: http://facebook.com/topic.php?uid=210665022132&topic=14504 . Another branch of our discussion they eliminated completely, etc., etc..
A lot of troubles were created by all the Israeli officials and by the "Office for Israeli Constitutional Law", that collect a lot of money but only propagate the San Remo fraud against Israel.
For example, I completely won all the scientific battles with them. I've proved Jewish legal rights for Palestine. Should every Jew be happy? No! Not the "professionals". Proven Jewish rights are totally contradictory to all the Jewish dissertations and diplomas, which are recognised by this world.
Bought over for their diplomas, all the Jewish lawyers and historians are still fighting against the Jewish legal rights! Therefore they keep destroying the transcripts of our scientific battles and they stopped all of my invitations to all the conferences. Say, a lot of my arguments were deleted from the following branch: http://facebook.com/topic.php?uid=210665022132&topic=14504 . Another branch of our discussion they eliminated completely, etc., etc..
A lot of troubles were created by all the Israeli officials and by the "Office for Israeli Constitutional Law", that collect a lot of money but only propagate the San Remo fraud against Israel.
Jewish professional lawyers and historians
keep selling Jewish legal rights on Jewish land

All of the professionals, without an exception still insist that in San Remo the imperialists grab the land from Arabs and gave it to Zionists. Professionals even have the impudence to insist that such a deadly traitorous story helps Israel!
That's why the world and even Jews calls the Jews the invaders - because of this mendacious story, which is propagated everywhere by the Jewish lawyers and historians. Because on a daily basis the Jewish professional lawyers and historians keep selling Jewish legal rights on Jewish land!
That's why the world and even Jews calls the Jews the invaders - because of this mendacious story, which is propagated everywhere by the Jewish lawyers and historians. Because on a daily basis the Jewish professional lawyers and historians keep selling Jewish legal rights on Jewish land!
What these professionals have achieved
• All the professional textbooks and all the professional examination requirements inculcate deadly disinformation about San Remo. This forgery literally kills Jewish legal rights for Palestine.
• Without the knowledge of my new powerful sciences, nobody was able to uncover and overcome this insidious stroke that British Secret Intelligence Services performed.
• Therefore even Israeli Prime Minister is widely propagating this killing Israel fraud as though Jews are the imperialistic invaders to the Arabian land. That's exactly what his book stated on page 55, as well as on many other pages:
• Without the knowledge of my new powerful sciences, nobody was able to uncover and overcome this insidious stroke that British Secret Intelligence Services performed.
• Therefore even Israeli Prime Minister is widely propagating this killing Israel fraud as though Jews are the imperialistic invaders to the Arabian land. That's exactly what his book stated on page 55, as well as on many other pages:
• As you can see now, Jewish legal rights for the Jewish land are completely sold out by ALL the Jewish professional historians, lawyers and politicians. Sold out for their "recognized by the word" professional diplomas...
• Unfortunately Israeli Prime Minister Netaniyahu is not an exception. There is no exceptions - all the Jewish professionals are bought over for their "recognized by the word" diplomas and huge salaries. Universities deeply poisoned their brains for the same professional diplomas. That's why they are unable to protect Israel.
• "Left" or "right" political orientation is totally irrelevant here. It's also irrelevant what they promise and what they want. None of them are able to protect Jewish land because even if they see the symptoms they can not see the disease. Therefore all of them have to give up. Generation after generation they have to give up Jewish land and to repeat exactly the same phrase: "I am unable...".
• Golda Meir and Menachem Begin are the most known people who had to pronounce: "I am unable to do it any more". It is always happening because Israel has newer had any understanding and no strategy. Wishes and goals only. New sciences about complicated systems required, to get the understanding and the strategy, they were just created few years ago, but nobody want to learn - everybody are just fighting for the money and for personal power.
• Israel has no brain to understand what strategy is even when it is given in a 100% ready and prepared condition.
• Israel strategy must be as following: Immediately recover, properly legalize and carefully protect all the Jewish legal assets, including all the Jewish brands (such as Palestine) and all the Jewish legal rights for Jewish land (including Arab-Jewish treaty for Jewish Homeland in Palestine, including Jewish Mandate for Palestine, etc.).
• Deeply poisoned with British disinformation unable to protect such a primordial Jewish cities as Jericho, Shechem, Beit-Lechem, Hebron. That's why we are losing Jerusalem and all Israel right now...
• How was it possible? It is always VERY easy to cheat and to buy professionals. Say been a student Netaniyahu learned and strongly memorized all the disinformation he was told and examined in the universities. Otherwise he would never get his professinal diplomas - BS, MS, PhD, bar, etc.
• British Secret Intelligence Services had to plant this disinformation only once, long time ago. Since than every professor insists on repeating the same things he was disciplined. Anyone who is "too smart" immediately gets locked out of all seminars and conferences - I know that first-hand...
• Yes, Prime Minister has enough power to overwrite university textbooks, but first he has to confess that all his life he was propagating disinformation extremely harmful for his motherland...
• Besides that, without deep knowledge of my powerful sciences Netaniyahu is unable to discover the root and the core of all the Israeli problems. So he is unable to protect Israel. Therefore even being good on tactical level, he is constantly losing the war. He can only promise and scream, but without understanding of the situation he had to give to the enemies even such a primordial Jewish sity as Hebron (only one small street is still controlled by the Israeli army).
• None of the Jewish professionals has any idea of what Jewish legal assets are. So they are completely able to realise the crucial importance of these assets. Therefore they sell out all the Jewish legal assets without smallest resistance. As the direct result of that traitorous professional's stupidity, Hebrews in Hebron are called invaders now!
• Without immediate destruction of this San Remo fraud, no weaponry, no army could help Jews to save Jerusalem and Israel.
• That's why right now Jewish professionals are preparing dishonorable and disgraceful conversion of Jerusalem to another Arab-Muslim Capital.
• They say that with the Jerusalem sacrifice they are trying to snaffle the destruction of Israel and the Holocaust coming, but they only straining the rubber that will beat back even more horrific...
• The Jewish "professionals" keep doing all the ugly things instead of simple one-time confession that all their dissertations, regalia, titles, ranks and positions and based on the forgery against the Jews...
Jerusalem is on sale, and the betrayal of the whole Israel is on the road. No patriotic slogan or categorical position could help in such situation. Brainpower is needed, as well as very strong again teaching for all the professionals...
• Unfortunately Israeli Prime Minister Netaniyahu is not an exception. There is no exceptions - all the Jewish professionals are bought over for their "recognized by the word" diplomas and huge salaries. Universities deeply poisoned their brains for the same professional diplomas. That's why they are unable to protect Israel.
• "Left" or "right" political orientation is totally irrelevant here. It's also irrelevant what they promise and what they want. None of them are able to protect Jewish land because even if they see the symptoms they can not see the disease. Therefore all of them have to give up. Generation after generation they have to give up Jewish land and to repeat exactly the same phrase: "I am unable...".
• Golda Meir and Menachem Begin are the most known people who had to pronounce: "I am unable to do it any more". It is always happening because Israel has newer had any understanding and no strategy. Wishes and goals only. New sciences about complicated systems required, to get the understanding and the strategy, they were just created few years ago, but nobody want to learn - everybody are just fighting for the money and for personal power.
• Israel has no brain to understand what strategy is even when it is given in a 100% ready and prepared condition.
• Israel strategy must be as following: Immediately recover, properly legalize and carefully protect all the Jewish legal assets, including all the Jewish brands (such as Palestine) and all the Jewish legal rights for Jewish land (including Arab-Jewish treaty for Jewish Homeland in Palestine, including Jewish Mandate for Palestine, etc.).
• Deeply poisoned with British disinformation unable to protect such a primordial Jewish cities as Jericho, Shechem, Beit-Lechem, Hebron. That's why we are losing Jerusalem and all Israel right now...
• How was it possible? It is always VERY easy to cheat and to buy professionals. Say been a student Netaniyahu learned and strongly memorized all the disinformation he was told and examined in the universities. Otherwise he would never get his professinal diplomas - BS, MS, PhD, bar, etc.
• British Secret Intelligence Services had to plant this disinformation only once, long time ago. Since than every professor insists on repeating the same things he was disciplined. Anyone who is "too smart" immediately gets locked out of all seminars and conferences - I know that first-hand...
• Yes, Prime Minister has enough power to overwrite university textbooks, but first he has to confess that all his life he was propagating disinformation extremely harmful for his motherland...
• Besides that, without deep knowledge of my powerful sciences Netaniyahu is unable to discover the root and the core of all the Israeli problems. So he is unable to protect Israel. Therefore even being good on tactical level, he is constantly losing the war. He can only promise and scream, but without understanding of the situation he had to give to the enemies even such a primordial Jewish sity as Hebron (only one small street is still controlled by the Israeli army).
• None of the Jewish professionals has any idea of what Jewish legal assets are. So they are completely able to realise the crucial importance of these assets. Therefore they sell out all the Jewish legal assets without smallest resistance. As the direct result of that traitorous professional's stupidity, Hebrews in Hebron are called invaders now!
• Without immediate destruction of this San Remo fraud, no weaponry, no army could help Jews to save Jerusalem and Israel.
• That's why right now Jewish professionals are preparing dishonorable and disgraceful conversion of Jerusalem to another Arab-Muslim Capital.
• They say that with the Jerusalem sacrifice they are trying to snaffle the destruction of Israel and the Holocaust coming, but they only straining the rubber that will beat back even more horrific...
• The Jewish "professionals" keep doing all the ugly things instead of simple one-time confession that all their dissertations, regalia, titles, ranks and positions and based on the forgery against the Jews...
Jerusalem is on sale, and the betrayal of the whole Israel is on the road. No patriotic slogan or categorical position could help in such situation. Brainpower is needed, as well as very strong again teaching for all the professionals...
Who is always behind Anti-Jewish terrorism. Tiny role of Arabs
In order to overcome any complicated problem you must be able to see over the dirty symptoms that you use to blame. The source of the disease could be something that you like very much.
Be ready for such a turn on your road. Otherwise you have zero chances to survive. That is true on any road, especially on the gorilla warfare roads, where most of the pleasurable and desired things happened to be hidden bombs and mines...
It is not at all of what you like or dislike. You may like smoking, but it kills you. So even if you like something very much, it could be the true source of the problems. And the nasty things that you use to hate and to blame could be just consequences that is useless to fight unless you realize the true strategic goal of your war.
Israel have never had any strategy in its fight for survival, and Israeli still have no brain to realize what it could be. All the professional textbooks are completely wrong again. They a fooled and concentrated on most visible nasty symptoms only.
It is useless to scream slogans like "I hate bad longs!". And the strength of your determination would never change anything if you see only symptoms, not the source of the disease.
It is 100% right for the situation with Arabs on the Holy Land. It is very important to realize that Arabs are no more than a cannon fodder in a big bloody British game. Arabs are just the most visible dirty symptom, not at all the source of the diseases. Learn the truth on my - Shocking Discovery: Who is always behind Anti-Jewish terrorism.
Be ready for such a turn on your road. Otherwise you have zero chances to survive. That is true on any road, especially on the gorilla warfare roads, where most of the pleasurable and desired things happened to be hidden bombs and mines...
It is not at all of what you like or dislike. You may like smoking, but it kills you. So even if you like something very much, it could be the true source of the problems. And the nasty things that you use to hate and to blame could be just consequences that is useless to fight unless you realize the true strategic goal of your war.
Israel have never had any strategy in its fight for survival, and Israeli still have no brain to realize what it could be. All the professional textbooks are completely wrong again. They a fooled and concentrated on most visible nasty symptoms only.
It is useless to scream slogans like "I hate bad longs!". And the strength of your determination would never change anything if you see only symptoms, not the source of the disease.
It is 100% right for the situation with Arabs on the Holy Land. It is very important to realize that Arabs are no more than a cannon fodder in a big bloody British game. Arabs are just the most visible dirty symptom, not at all the source of the diseases. Learn the truth on my - Shocking Discovery: Who is always behind Anti-Jewish terrorism.
The most terrible Holocaust is coming
It's our last chance now to stop screaming the old stupid oversimplified slogans and to start using our brain to find out what is going on, what kind of conspiracy is under all that.
It's our last chance before the new Holocaust! Don't forget that each subsequent Holocaust had always been even more frightful than the previous one...
It's our last chance before the new Holocaust! Don't forget that each subsequent Holocaust had always been even more frightful than the previous one...
The role of Holy Scriptures
Sure, for us Torah is essential, but to clean up all the shit, widely propagated by the Jewish "professional" lawyers and historians, we have to use not Torah, but a broom and a scoop, appropriate for that shit.
It is very easy to see that Torah is not appropriate to clean all that shit. Therefore Torah by itself is not enough to protect Jewish land. Not even for Jewish religious orthodoxies, what was shown above.
Torah is also not enough for many Christian priests. Torah is also not enough for contemporary Muslims, despite of the fact that Qur'an clearly marks Palestine as the Jewish land. Qur'an does it fifteen times, without any contradiction or even without smallest doubt!
None of the Holy Scriptures works unless we clean up all that "stuff" created by all the dirty professionals. And we have a lot of this "stuff" all over Holy Land... I pointed here only one stinking dump, but for dozens and dozens of years a great deal of them were originated and created by the best specialists of MI6 and KGB. All of them were hand-assembled, crafted and planted by the Jewish professionals' "world recognized" dissertations.
Now we need a lot of very powerful brain sanitary engineering gears, but none of them was ever created in the world. So first I had to create very powerful new adequate sciences about complicated systems and about information. That task required the most complicated research ever performed. Only then my tremendous work with all the information about Middle East was performed.
It is very easy to see that Torah is not appropriate to clean all that shit. Therefore Torah by itself is not enough to protect Jewish land. Not even for Jewish religious orthodoxies, what was shown above.
Torah is also not enough for many Christian priests. Torah is also not enough for contemporary Muslims, despite of the fact that Qur'an clearly marks Palestine as the Jewish land. Qur'an does it fifteen times, without any contradiction or even without smallest doubt!
None of the Holy Scriptures works unless we clean up all that "stuff" created by all the dirty professionals. And we have a lot of this "stuff" all over Holy Land... I pointed here only one stinking dump, but for dozens and dozens of years a great deal of them were originated and created by the best specialists of MI6 and KGB. All of them were hand-assembled, crafted and planted by the Jewish professionals' "world recognized" dissertations.
Now we need a lot of very powerful brain sanitary engineering gears, but none of them was ever created in the world. So first I had to create very powerful new adequate sciences about complicated systems and about information. That task required the most complicated research ever performed. Only then my tremendous work with all the information about Middle East was performed.
The truth about Mandate for Palestine
Finally the job is done. You may start from this summary: http://summary.JewishStatement.org/ . Here we are adding to that summary more detailed information about San Remo conference and about the Mandate.
I discovered that despite of the dirty forgery planted everywhere by the "professionals", the Mandate is based not on San Remo imperialist's decision, but on the Arab-Jewish Treaty on Jewish Homeland. This Treaty is 100% official and 100% valid (see the details in the summary). Mandate clearly confirmed and ratified this key Arab-Jewish Treaty and the essential Jewish rights for Jewish land. Mandate for Palestine ratified these indissoluble Jewish rights for Jewish land with all the world nations and countries.
I discovered that despite of the dirty forgery planted everywhere by the "professionals", the Mandate is based not on San Remo imperialist's decision, but on the Arab-Jewish Treaty on Jewish Homeland. This Treaty is 100% official and 100% valid (see the details in the summary). Mandate clearly confirmed and ratified this key Arab-Jewish Treaty and the essential Jewish rights for Jewish land. Mandate for Palestine ratified these indissoluble Jewish rights for Jewish land with all the world nations and countries.
Proven Jewish legal rights for Palestine
All the Anti-Zionist, Anti-Israeli and Anti-Semitic countries and organizations have to shut up completely now, after these discoveries and after the rebuild of the Jewish legal rights for all Palestine. Here is the manual and the explanation on how to accomplish all this and how to exercise the Jewish and Israeli rights for Jewish land: http://summary.JewishStatement.org/
Right Makes Might - Abraham Lincoln : 1860-02-27
• Now we are the rightful owners of all Palestine!
• Now we have all the rights to protect and to defend our land and our country!
• None of UN, or London, or whatever could now condemn or sue our soldiers, our generals and our rightful country for protecting itself!
• From now on, no orthodox Jew could call any other Jew an invader and an aggressor of Palestine. Not any more!
• From now on all the world has no other choice but to shut up.
We just have to properly exercise our rights as it is explained in http://summary.JewishStatement.org/
• Now we have all the rights to protect and to defend our land and our country!
• None of UN, or London, or whatever could now condemn or sue our soldiers, our generals and our rightful country for protecting itself!
• From now on, no orthodox Jew could call any other Jew an invader and an aggressor of Palestine. Not any more!
• From now on all the world has no other choice but to shut up.
We just have to properly exercise our rights as it is explained in http://summary.JewishStatement.org/
Bunch of other fundamental discoveries
My powerful adequate sciences about information and complicated systems allow to clean up all the MI6 and KGB shrewd disinformation and to make even more fundamental discoveries. For example I've made the crucial for our victory discovery and I've proved, that the Mandate for Palestine had never been British!
Yes, despite of all the traitorous disinformation spread around by the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, by Sochnut, by all other Jewish organizations and Universities, I've proved that according to the British and the International Mandatory Law (yes, I found such one), Mandate for Palestine had never been British. It always been Jewish and Jewish only! See the details in http://summary.JewishStatement.org/
Please read it slowly and learn it deeply, because it is not like all the oversimplified slogans you use to hear from your schooldays till now on a daily basis.
Now, after we discovered the truth and created the way to prove it in any court... Now, having the legal basis and all the exhibits and supporting evidences, we are 100% ready for our complete victory. We just have to properly exercise our rights as it is explained in http://summary.JewishStatement.org/
You'll also find there other terrific legal and historical discoveries, as well as the REAL solutions created. Based on these discoveries we are able now to prove in any court that the Jews are not invaders, not occupiers, but the rightful owners of all Palestine! Only now we are ready to protect Jerusalem and Israel.
Everything is 100% ready for our complete victory. We just need very small capitalization - less then 1% of the price of only one contemporary jet fighter! Help us with little bit more publicity - and everything else will start moving.
I love you, dear naive pretenders for the history. You are so positive, that if you replace historical facts with your oversimplified slogans, then you'll get a different reality...
Unfortunately not. The Jews proven to be stupid, and therefore our history and our reality are so tough. You don't even know how bad the situation is. Say Jewish lawyers and historians sold out to the enemies all the Jewish legal assets for the Jewish land, and none of the Jews ever notice such global total traitorous big sell!
The Jewish professionals are so traitorous, that none of them ever use the fact that fifteen times Qur'an clearly marks Palestine as the Jewish land!
Fifteen times, without any contradiction or even without smallest doubt, Qur'an stated that all Palestine is and must remain Jewis, but Jewish professionals newer use that in negotiations with the Muslims!
Jewish professionals traitorously sell to the enemies all other Jewish legal assets as well (or should I say as bad). Therefore all the stupid Jewish leaders always go to the negotiations armless, dumb, with their naked blunt rigidity only. So they ALWAYS got fucked up right into that naked and weaponless rigidity...
You clearly see that totally traitorous behavior for almost a century, but because of your self-praise stupidity you can't recognize it. You only glorify your stupid oversimplified "patriotic" slogans and your silly yourself...
Such total stupidity is just unbelievable, but it is exactly what it is - total rigid self-praise Jewish stupidity. Well, if a Jew is an idiot, than no other idiots could ever come even close! And, unfortunately, that could be the truth for the whole nation...
Stop your constant attempts to blame somebody else for your own mind in delirium! After all, such an attitude is completely against Torah, which clearly stated that the nation of God could be let down only by the nation itself!
If some of "them" are bad - that's exactly how it should be. Amalek (Amalekites) are here - that should not surprise you. And, by the way, you have to learn, at least, that according to our heritage Amalek are not Arabs (see http://JewishEncyclopedia.com/ for example).
It is a very big problem what to do with the people who know nothing but all the popular enemy propaganda planted everywhere by all the universities. I would ask you at least stop your arrogant attempts to patronize the guy who spent so many years verifying all his dramatic discoveries of the truth. Just don't waste the very short time left to another Holocaust. And don't forget that each subsequent Holocaust had always been even more frightful than the previous one...
You can not change the reality with your naive "patriotic" slogans and catchwords. Learn the truth! Accept it doesn't matter how nauseating and dishonorable it is! It's the only option to change the future, the rapidly coming Holocaust future of your lovely kids.
Stop your stupid oversimplified slogans at once! Start using your brain, not your emotions only...
You have to understand at least one simple thing: The Jewish reality could be as schizophrenic as we see it gets ONLY if all the Jews become schizophrenic... Some one has to become different - it's our only option to survive.
What to do?
First of all we have to recover all the Jewish legal assets that were sold out by the traitorous professionals. And that should be done immediately. Then we have to teach over all the stupid Jewish leaders, professionals, politicians, functionaries, bureaucrats. If they don't want to learn anything, then we'll have to kick all of them out without any delays. Otherwise you'll see your lovely grandchildren squirming in fire again...
Start using your brain, not your emotions only...
Please, please, please, my dear fellow Jews...
Here is the summary of how to achieve all that in practical terms: http://summary.JewishStatement.org/
Yosef Yakov-Lev (c) based on my book ISBN 1448667615
Yes, despite of all the traitorous disinformation spread around by the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, by Sochnut, by all other Jewish organizations and Universities, I've proved that according to the British and the International Mandatory Law (yes, I found such one), Mandate for Palestine had never been British. It always been Jewish and Jewish only! See the details in http://summary.JewishStatement.org/
Please read it slowly and learn it deeply, because it is not like all the oversimplified slogans you use to hear from your schooldays till now on a daily basis.
Now, after we discovered the truth and created the way to prove it in any court... Now, having the legal basis and all the exhibits and supporting evidences, we are 100% ready for our complete victory. We just have to properly exercise our rights as it is explained in http://summary.JewishStatement.org/
You'll also find there other terrific legal and historical discoveries, as well as the REAL solutions created. Based on these discoveries we are able now to prove in any court that the Jews are not invaders, not occupiers, but the rightful owners of all Palestine! Only now we are ready to protect Jerusalem and Israel.
Everything is 100% ready for our complete victory. We just need very small capitalization - less then 1% of the price of only one contemporary jet fighter! Help us with little bit more publicity - and everything else will start moving.
I love you, dear naive pretenders for the history. You are so positive, that if you replace historical facts with your oversimplified slogans, then you'll get a different reality...
Unfortunately not. The Jews proven to be stupid, and therefore our history and our reality are so tough. You don't even know how bad the situation is. Say Jewish lawyers and historians sold out to the enemies all the Jewish legal assets for the Jewish land, and none of the Jews ever notice such global total traitorous big sell!
The Jewish professionals are so traitorous, that none of them ever use the fact that fifteen times Qur'an clearly marks Palestine as the Jewish land!
Fifteen times, without any contradiction or even without smallest doubt, Qur'an stated that all Palestine is and must remain Jewis, but Jewish professionals newer use that in negotiations with the Muslims!
Jewish professionals traitorously sell to the enemies all other Jewish legal assets as well (or should I say as bad). Therefore all the stupid Jewish leaders always go to the negotiations armless, dumb, with their naked blunt rigidity only. So they ALWAYS got fucked up right into that naked and weaponless rigidity...
You clearly see that totally traitorous behavior for almost a century, but because of your self-praise stupidity you can't recognize it. You only glorify your stupid oversimplified "patriotic" slogans and your silly yourself...
Such total stupidity is just unbelievable, but it is exactly what it is - total rigid self-praise Jewish stupidity. Well, if a Jew is an idiot, than no other idiots could ever come even close! And, unfortunately, that could be the truth for the whole nation...
Stop your constant attempts to blame somebody else for your own mind in delirium! After all, such an attitude is completely against Torah, which clearly stated that the nation of God could be let down only by the nation itself!
If some of "them" are bad - that's exactly how it should be. Amalek (Amalekites) are here - that should not surprise you. And, by the way, you have to learn, at least, that according to our heritage Amalek are not Arabs (see http://JewishEncyclopedia.com/ for example).
It is a very big problem what to do with the people who know nothing but all the popular enemy propaganda planted everywhere by all the universities. I would ask you at least stop your arrogant attempts to patronize the guy who spent so many years verifying all his dramatic discoveries of the truth. Just don't waste the very short time left to another Holocaust. And don't forget that each subsequent Holocaust had always been even more frightful than the previous one...
You can not change the reality with your naive "patriotic" slogans and catchwords. Learn the truth! Accept it doesn't matter how nauseating and dishonorable it is! It's the only option to change the future, the rapidly coming Holocaust future of your lovely kids.
Stop your stupid oversimplified slogans at once! Start using your brain, not your emotions only...
You have to understand at least one simple thing: The Jewish reality could be as schizophrenic as we see it gets ONLY if all the Jews become schizophrenic... Some one has to become different - it's our only option to survive.
What to do?
First of all we have to recover all the Jewish legal assets that were sold out by the traitorous professionals. And that should be done immediately. Then we have to teach over all the stupid Jewish leaders, professionals, politicians, functionaries, bureaucrats. If they don't want to learn anything, then we'll have to kick all of them out without any delays. Otherwise you'll see your lovely grandchildren squirming in fire again...
Start using your brain, not your emotions only...
Please, please, please, my dear fellow Jews...
Here is the summary of how to achieve all that in practical terms: http://summary.JewishStatement.org/
Yosef Yakov-Lev (c) based on my book ISBN 1448667615
P.S. 2
If you don't like the picture in the beginning of this article you can take the following one instead. Or I'll give you dozens of very similar pictures... I am also ready to prove that Britain bought these big Jewish religious groups for a place in diamond business.
How is it possible to have all these self-hating Jews?
The answers are in my works, as well as the solutions
The answers are in my works, as well as the solutions