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- cock fight
- How-To-Cancel-A-Treaty-Heb
- burying ourselves again
- history-curriculum-in-holyland-education-system-heb
- declaration-of-independence-heb
- yaron london recognizes jewish palestine-heb
Knesset empowers and supports - www.MFA.nymei.org - created by Britain UN 181(II), which clearly demands to take Jerusalem away from the Jews. Please learn details from the official map of that resolution:
* That's why America can not move US embassy to Jerusalem.
* That's why Olympic can not recognize Jerusalem as The Capital of Israel.
* That's why the world demands to give Jerusalem to an Arab state.
What else the world can say when Knesset and Israeli government pushing through these traitorous actions against Jerusalem and against the Jews...
Terribly cheated Israeli people trying to advocate stupid bureaucrats. Here are the answers to the most common disinformation:
* UN 181(II) illegally ORDERS to terminate Jewish Mandate for Palestine.
* According to the Mandatory Law (see http://facebook.com/note.php?note_id=500517039977314 and p.1 of http://SUMMARY.nymei.org/ ) Mandate for Palestine is Jewish, not British. So the Jews need to support Mandate, not illegal UN resolution 181(II).
* Not UN but Knesset's support empowers and legalize that completely illegal UN 181(II). It is legalized by the power of Knesset over all Israeli people.
* Because of that psycho-suicidal behavior of Knesset, US can not exercise Jerusalem Embassy Act - public law passed by Congress yet on 1995-10-23.
* Only because of that Knesset's stupidity, UN 181(II) is still valid and actively used.
* "Palestinian" membership in UNESCO was filed and recently approved based on that UN 181(II).
* "Palestinian" state was created based on that UN 181(II).
* "Palestinian" state was officially recognized by almost all the countries and nations of the world based on that UN 181(II).
* UN 181(II) is so strong because instead of proving in international courts that it is illegal, Knesset keep empowering it: www.MFA.nymei.org
Our institute has created and fully developed wise victorious remedies. All you have to do now - just to stop supporting psycho-suicidal idiots and let the real doctor (specialists of our institute) with the real wise remedies save rapidly dying patient (Israel). Do it now, while it is not too late...
Yosef Yakov-Lev, CEO
New York Middle East Institute - www.NYMEI.org
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* That's why America can not move US embassy to Jerusalem.
* That's why Olympic can not recognize Jerusalem as The Capital of Israel.
* That's why the world demands to give Jerusalem to an Arab state.
What else the world can say when Knesset and Israeli government pushing through these traitorous actions against Jerusalem and against the Jews...
Terribly cheated Israeli people trying to advocate stupid bureaucrats. Here are the answers to the most common disinformation:
* UN 181(II) illegally ORDERS to terminate Jewish Mandate for Palestine.
* According to the Mandatory Law (see http://facebook.com/note.php?note_id=500517039977314 and p.1 of http://SUMMARY.nymei.org/ ) Mandate for Palestine is Jewish, not British. So the Jews need to support Mandate, not illegal UN resolution 181(II).
* Not UN but Knesset's support empowers and legalize that completely illegal UN 181(II). It is legalized by the power of Knesset over all Israeli people.
* Because of that psycho-suicidal behavior of Knesset, US can not exercise Jerusalem Embassy Act - public law passed by Congress yet on 1995-10-23.
* Only because of that Knesset's stupidity, UN 181(II) is still valid and actively used.
* "Palestinian" membership in UNESCO was filed and recently approved based on that UN 181(II).
* "Palestinian" state was created based on that UN 181(II).
* "Palestinian" state was officially recognized by almost all the countries and nations of the world based on that UN 181(II).
* UN 181(II) is so strong because instead of proving in international courts that it is illegal, Knesset keep empowering it: www.MFA.nymei.org
Our institute has created and fully developed wise victorious remedies. All you have to do now - just to stop supporting psycho-suicidal idiots and let the real doctor (specialists of our institute) with the real wise remedies save rapidly dying patient (Israel). Do it now, while it is not too late...
Yosef Yakov-Lev, CEO
New York Middle East Institute - www.NYMEI.org
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