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- How-To-Cancel-A-Treaty-Heb
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- yaron london recognizes jewish palestine-heb
We can beat up UN by the letter of the law. In order to easily get the "stay" (it's the court order prohibiting any changes in the current situation till the very end of the case) we should file the following case in a New York court before September 2011.
We are ready to win, but all the Jewish bureaucrats who destroy Israel, aggressively cut us from the financial resources.
The answer to a popular question: Yes, UN holds diplomatic immunity. But every organization can be evicted for breaking its own Charter. And any diplomat can be declared persona non grata and kicked out of the country.
We are ready to win, but all the Jewish bureaucrats who destroy Israel, aggressively cut us from the financial resources.
The answer to a popular question: Yes, UN holds diplomatic immunity. But every organization can be evicted for breaking its own Charter. And any diplomat can be declared persona non grata and kicked out of the country.
Real Method to Save Israel
from the UN's kill
practical legal solution
New York Middle East Institute © Yosef Yakov-Lev, CEO

- Properly present Arab-Jewish Treaty on Jewish Homeland in Palestine.
- Deny the UN Partition resolution 181, which stole Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria from the Jews, and traitorously stupid Knesset, MFA celebrate that UN resolution - see http://MFA.nymei.org
All that could be done in one court case (if treacherous Israeli functionaries have not done it earlier), but we must display documents and do the work IN THIS ORDER ONLY.
Now see Article 80 of the Charter of UN http://un.org/en/documents/charter/chapter12.shtml
it reads: "NOTHING in this [UN] Chapter shall be construed in or of itself TO ALTER IN ANY MANNER THE RIGHTS whatsoever of any state or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments"
1) If Jews have a Treaty with Arabs - then UN must follow it. UN has no power to alter it.
We do have Arab-Jewish Treaty on Jewish Homeland in Palestine.
It clearly says that all Palestine must be Jewish. This treaty is 100% valid and ratified by all nations.
2) If there is a League of Nation's ratification, or decision, or Mandate - then UN has no power to alter it.
We have all these as well - see details in our legal explanation of the Jewish Mandate for Palestine
- "UN can overcome the Arab-Jewish Treaty on Jewish Homeland in Palestine" or
- "UN is an assignee of League of Nation and therefore could alter the Jewish Mandate for Palestine" or
- "UN can/could issue partition resolutions, partition Jerusalem, Jewish Palestine or recognize Arab state in Palestine", etc...
Based on that we can beat up and smash UN issuing a New York court decision that any attempt to create or to recognize an Arab state or an Arab kingdom in Palestine is completely illegal and therefore can not be done.
That's our winning method to beat up and to crash the main Israeli enemy - UN. We aren't begging any judge for justice. He will just confirm the letter of the law that we present. If UN violates this court decision, it will have dealings with Court Order, Contempt Order, Marshall's order, and many other "pleasurable" things. Diplomatic immunity has nothing to do with that because we are suing not a person but a decision. Not to mention that any diplomat can be declared persona non grata and kicked out of the country.
We are 100% ready to win, but all the Jewish functionaries who destroy Israel, cut us from the financial resources.
- Properly present Arab-Jewish Treaty on Jewish Homeland in Palestine.
- Deny the UN Partition resolution 181, which stole Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria from the Jews, and traitorously stupid Knesset, MFA celebrate that UN resolution - see http://MFA.nymei.org
All that could be done in one court case (if treacherous Israeli functionaries have not done it earlier), but we must display documents and do the work IN THIS ORDER ONLY.
Now see Article 80 of the Charter of UN http://un.org/en/documents/charter/chapter12.shtml
it reads: "NOTHING in this [UN] Chapter shall be construed in or of itself TO ALTER IN ANY MANNER THE RIGHTS whatsoever of any state or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments"
1) If Jews have a Treaty with Arabs - then UN must follow it. UN has no power to alter it.
We do have Arab-Jewish Treaty on Jewish Homeland in Palestine.
It clearly says that all Palestine must be Jewish. This treaty is 100% valid and ratified by all nations.
2) If there is a League of Nation's ratification, or decision, or Mandate - then UN has no power to alter it.
We have all these as well - see details in our legal explanation of the Jewish Mandate for Palestine
- "UN can overcome the Arab-Jewish Treaty on Jewish Homeland in Palestine" or
- "UN is an assignee of League of Nation and therefore could alter the Jewish Mandate for Palestine" or
- "UN can/could issue partition resolutions, partition Jerusalem, Jewish Palestine or recognize Arab state in Palestine", etc...
Based on that we can beat up and smash UN issuing a New York court decision that any attempt to create or to recognize an Arab state or an Arab kingdom in Palestine is completely illegal and therefore can not be done.
That's our winning method to beat up and to crash the main Israeli enemy - UN. We aren't begging any judge for justice. He will just confirm the letter of the law that we present. If UN violates this court decision, it will have dealings with Court Order, Contempt Order, Marshall's order, and many other "pleasurable" things. Diplomatic immunity has nothing to do with that because we are suing not a person but a decision. Not to mention that any diplomat can be declared persona non grata and kicked out of the country.
We are 100% ready to win, but all the Jewish functionaries who destroy Israel, cut us from the financial resources.
We have to immediately deny all the professional textbooks and all the thesis of paid professionals - they treacherously plant everywhere disinformation about UN Partition resolution 181, San Remo and tonnes of other suicidal British disinformation.
The only legal and enforceable document is the Arab-Jewish Treaty on Jewish Homeland in Palestine and all its ratifications. All the countries (including former sovereign of this territory Turkey) ratified that document in various forms: from the Treaty of Versailles to the Anglo-American Convention. It is one of the most redoubtably document ever existed, but stupidly traitorous Jewish lawyers never ever used it. Never even tried. Instead they plant everywhere killing Israel British disinformation...
I created much more ways to defend and save Israel. Say according to the 1933 Montevideo Convention, there are certain conditions a state should conform and to comply in order to proclaim itself lawfully. There is no way for any Arab state (or autonomy) to be legal in Palestine unless we, all the Jews (not the government) donate our rights and our land to them.
The only legal and enforceable document is the Arab-Jewish Treaty on Jewish Homeland in Palestine and all its ratifications. All the countries (including former sovereign of this territory Turkey) ratified that document in various forms: from the Treaty of Versailles to the Anglo-American Convention. It is one of the most redoubtably document ever existed, but stupidly traitorous Jewish lawyers never ever used it. Never even tried. Instead they plant everywhere killing Israel British disinformation...
I created much more ways to defend and save Israel. Say according to the 1933 Montevideo Convention, there are certain conditions a state should conform and to comply in order to proclaim itself lawfully. There is no way for any Arab state (or autonomy) to be legal in Palestine unless we, all the Jews (not the government) donate our rights and our land to them.
a look at the film I've edited from Dr. Jacques P. Gauthier's long
cloudy speech. I've left here only the parts about European's
deadly pressure to take Jerusalem away from the Jews and to convert Holy
City into another Arab-Muslim capital.
You can learn the details of the dirty rape that United Nations, European Union, Russia and partly United States are performing on the Jews right now. They are stealing from the Jews the biggest part of Jerusalem including the entire Old City to make one another Arab-Muslim capital out of the Jewish property...
You can learn the details of the dirty rape that United Nations, European Union, Russia and partly United States are performing on the Jews right now. They are stealing from the Jews the biggest part of Jerusalem including the entire Old City to make one another Arab-Muslim capital out of the Jewish property...
United Nations is going to approve this phony cannibalistic plan
to steal Jerusalem from the Jews in coming September of 2011
Jacques P. Gauthier is a nice guy, his presentation of the problem
is correct. But he is unable to create solutions to save Jerusalem and
Israel because he is deadly mistaken regarding sources of Jewish
legal rights for Jewish land. He keep repeating suicidal for Israel
disinformation, which is industriously planted everywhere by MI6 - British Intelligence Services.
With all these horrible mistakes Dr. Gauthier gets contradictory to himself and he give us deadly wrong information that is suicidal for Israel (the details are below). Therefore I had to cut off all his attempts to talk about Jewish legal rights and all his attempts to talk about solutions. These killing Israel mistakes are not only Dr. Gauthier's personal problem. All paid professionals were deadly tricked by British Intelligence Services. That's the primary reason why we keep losing Jewish land.
None of the old specialists was able to uncover this skillful MI6 work, to overcome it and to create REAL victorious solution. New set of sciences was needed to accomplish all these extremely sophisticated works. Luckily after all these years of terrible strategic losses, Israel obtained a team of real specialists - our team.
For over eight years we are ready to save Israel. Every day we are proposing, but Jewish functionaries aggressively lock us out of all the financial and other resources because we are different from these who messed Israel up. So Israel keep losing and losing...
Here are some of the deadly mistakes that Dr. Gauthier and all other paid professionals were doomed with:
1) He is correct stating that Britain can't give the rights for the land in Balfour letter because Britain never own Palestine. But he did not understand that If Britain can not give the rights, then there is no legal difference for adding France to the list (the San Remo disinformation).
2) Any document regarding this matter could be valid ONLY if the main candidates - Jews and Arabs - are actively present in the legal process.
3) Arab and Jewish delegations were not presented on San Remo Conference of 1920. Playing on that, in order to lately kill Jewish rights for Jewish land completely, MI6 widely planted a disinformation about creation of Jewish legal rights in San Remo. British Intelligence forged this disinformation 83 years after San Remo!
4) British intelligence financed planting of this killing Israel disinformation very profusely. Dozens of fat donations, contributions, grants floated for this "work" from nowhere at once. This way Dr. Gauthier and all paid professionals bus bought over. Also they were bought over by their "recognized by the world" diplomas.
5) Here is the truth: So-called "The San Remo Resolution for Palestine, 1920-04-25" never existed! No such document was ever signed in San Remo! Sure, San Remo papers hold few passages from the 1919 Treaty of Versailles. Trivial mentioning of Palestine in these passages mean: Nothing regarding Palestine have changed, added, removed or resolved in San Remo. No resolution regarding Palestine was signed in San Remo because there were nothing to sign!
6) Jewish and Arab nations' official delegations were officially present on Paris Piece Conference. These delegations came with already signed Arab-Jewish Treaty on Jewish Homeland in Palestine to ratify this document and to clarify some other issues. This ratification was done in the highest possible level with all the countries in the world!
7) Dr. Gauthier very actively promotes British disinformation that Mandate for Palestine were created in San Remo, while in fact here are still more than two years after San Remo till the beginning of the writing of the Mandate for Palestine...
Please learn much more in our very interesting fundamental work True History of Israel and Jewish Legal Rights for Palestine .
With all these horrible mistakes Dr. Gauthier gets contradictory to himself and he give us deadly wrong information that is suicidal for Israel (the details are below). Therefore I had to cut off all his attempts to talk about Jewish legal rights and all his attempts to talk about solutions. These killing Israel mistakes are not only Dr. Gauthier's personal problem. All paid professionals were deadly tricked by British Intelligence Services. That's the primary reason why we keep losing Jewish land.
None of the old specialists was able to uncover this skillful MI6 work, to overcome it and to create REAL victorious solution. New set of sciences was needed to accomplish all these extremely sophisticated works. Luckily after all these years of terrible strategic losses, Israel obtained a team of real specialists - our team.
For over eight years we are ready to save Israel. Every day we are proposing, but Jewish functionaries aggressively lock us out of all the financial and other resources because we are different from these who messed Israel up. So Israel keep losing and losing...
Here are some of the deadly mistakes that Dr. Gauthier and all other paid professionals were doomed with:
1) He is correct stating that Britain can't give the rights for the land in Balfour letter because Britain never own Palestine. But he did not understand that If Britain can not give the rights, then there is no legal difference for adding France to the list (the San Remo disinformation).
2) Any document regarding this matter could be valid ONLY if the main candidates - Jews and Arabs - are actively present in the legal process.
3) Arab and Jewish delegations were not presented on San Remo Conference of 1920. Playing on that, in order to lately kill Jewish rights for Jewish land completely, MI6 widely planted a disinformation about creation of Jewish legal rights in San Remo. British Intelligence forged this disinformation 83 years after San Remo!
4) British intelligence financed planting of this killing Israel disinformation very profusely. Dozens of fat donations, contributions, grants floated for this "work" from nowhere at once. This way Dr. Gauthier and all paid professionals bus bought over. Also they were bought over by their "recognized by the world" diplomas.
5) Here is the truth: So-called "The San Remo Resolution for Palestine, 1920-04-25" never existed! No such document was ever signed in San Remo! Sure, San Remo papers hold few passages from the 1919 Treaty of Versailles. Trivial mentioning of Palestine in these passages mean: Nothing regarding Palestine have changed, added, removed or resolved in San Remo. No resolution regarding Palestine was signed in San Remo because there were nothing to sign!
6) Jewish and Arab nations' official delegations were officially present on Paris Piece Conference. These delegations came with already signed Arab-Jewish Treaty on Jewish Homeland in Palestine to ratify this document and to clarify some other issues. This ratification was done in the highest possible level with all the countries in the world!
7) Dr. Gauthier very actively promotes British disinformation that Mandate for Palestine were created in San Remo, while in fact here are still more than two years after San Remo till the beginning of the writing of the Mandate for Palestine...
Please learn much more in our very interesting fundamental work True History of Israel and Jewish Legal Rights for Palestine .
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