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- How-To-Cancel-A-Treaty-Heb
- burying ourselves again
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- yaron london recognizes jewish palestine-heb
Who are the real traitors of Israel
Pretty often I have to explain facts that generally don't need any explanation. Why? Because the Jews are brainwashed with deceitful propaganda, brainwashed to complete lunacy.
For example every Jewish media considered Lieberman's 2010-09-28 official speech at UN as very patriotic, but besides useless slogans this speech has an obligatory, absolutely suicidal for Israel legal part: "Let me be very clear: I am not speaking about moving populations, but rather about moving borders to better reflect demographic realities."
This complete and exact quotation literally means: Lieberman prohibiting any actions against Arabs, and he insisting on endless giving up any Jewish land which Arabs want to seize...
It is not a spontaneous insanity of notorious right-wing politician. The rightists ALWAYS betray Israel. Very similar demands to give up Jewish land are written since 2004-05-20 in the "Lieberman Plan" (Russian edition).
Because of these long time planned traitorous actions, on 2011-09-05 Lieberman and Netanyahu started mass-evictions of the Jews from Jerusalem - see www.YouTube.com/watch?v=ifj6_Vbkd9E
In two weeks after starting these mass-expulsions of the Jews from Jerusalem, on 2011-09-21, Lieberman officially surrendered to Obama's request to divide Jerusalem on negotiations: "I congratulate President Obama, and I am ready to sign on this speech with both hands".
The facts are very clear: Throughout the history of new Israel, only rightists constantly giving up primordial Jewish land. If you follow the facts, not deceitful propaganda, then you will clearly see that not leftists, but the rightists are ALWAYS the most terrible traitors, who cover their betrayals under deceitful slogans.
Rightist government ALWAYS finance leftists very profusely because rightists need somebody else to blame for all the betrayals they made.
Traitorous and brainless rightists made Israel an illegal state by many of their horrible actions. For example rightists support and even celebrate www.iZionist.org/il/2011/11/22/november29 UN's resolution 181(II), which demands to take away from Jewish state: Jerusalem and other primordial Jewish lands.
Can you imagine more terrible betrayal of the very foundation of Jewish state? It's impossible to come up to betrayals that are more horrible than these rightist do on a daily basis...
Just think at least once: How could Israel be legal state with Jerusalem as its legal capital, if Knesset and ALL official Israeli organizations follow rightist traitors in supporting and celebrating http://MFA.nymei.org, that killing Israel UN's resolution, which demands to take away from Jewish state Jerusalem, Samaria, Judea and other primordial Jewish lands?
Rightists keep betraying and cheating Jews everywhere. All current rightists including Lieberman got into power by cursing Oslo Interim Agreement. Now, been the Foreign Minister, Lieberman has all the options to deny Oslo. He can do it very easily. How? Based on its Article 31, which clearly says that any unilateral action voids the whole agreement (which is, by the way, only preliminary, interim, not bounding).
It is clear indisputable fact that Arabs made too many unilateral actions, and now Lieberman and all the rightists only need to follow Article 31 of the Agreement to void whole Oslo, that they cursed so badly for so many years.
Why don't they do it? Because rightists are the people who in fact support Oslo the most; who don't allow to void it, who pushing it through. The rightists and personally Lieberman are the traitors who even added to Oslo their agreement to divide Jerusalem via negotiations with Hamas and other enemies (see above)...
Rightists constantly cheat their illiterate supporters and always betray Israel... Leftists are also complete idiots, but at least they did not cheat so much; and at least leftists entered Article 31, which allow to void Oslo very easily.
We are not leftists, nor rightists. Our institute gather together the last remaining clever knowledgeable and honest specialists, who work with facts instead of screaming suicidal idiotic slogans.
That's why after over 10 years of extremely hard working we were able to create and fully develop real wise remedies.
The only problem now is the Jews and brainless official Jewish leaders, who are interested not in wise victorious remedies to save their kids, but in idolatry on traitorous ignoramus bureaucrats and in screaming oversimplified deceitful slogans that these brainless bureaucrats plant everywhere.
Now, after so many years of traitorous actions made by psycho-suicidal rightists, after they made Israel an illegal state, we have to perform very complicated work of fixing all the betrayals they have made. Otherwise Israel will die very quickly on the scenario of South Africa (which also had very strong army and advanced nuclear weaponry).
Our institute have prepared and fully developed victorious complex of wise solutions to achieve these complicated tasks successfully. Unfortunately the customers - the Jews and Israeli - continue to idolatry deceitful traitors instead of learning and supporting the real wise methods to save Jerusalem and all Israel.
Long time ago we dedicated ourselves to these tremendous researches because we clearly saw that Israel is dying and nobody ever had real solution how to save Jerusalem and all Israel. Unfortunately all others just scream oversimplified slogans that are not-adequate to anything besides their deliriums...
Official Jewish leaders only fight other Jews for their power over Jews. That's why not one of them was able to understand not only wise real remedies, but even cause of the diseases. Instead of any understanding they only lament about most visible symptoms, and such useless wailing was always enough for the Jews...
That's why brainless official Jewish leaders have to surrender vital parts of Jewish lands. For over 40 years Israel is constantly suffering from total strategic losses, and it's clear fact that the most terrible traitors are always the rightists. Right-wing Jewish leaders surrendered Joseph’s Tomb and Cave of the Patriarchs. Right-wing Jewish leaders surrendered such primordial Jewish cities as Jericho, Shechem, BeitLechem, Hebron... Hebron was surrendered by the rightist PM Netanyahu personally, and now, together with the rightist FM Lieberman, they are surrendering Jerusalem exactly by the Hebron scenario - dividing and deprivation...
No other result besides total loss of Israel is possible with screaming slogans instead of learning and supporting wise remedies. It's very understandable, but Jewish leaders refuse to learn anything. Instead they put all their efforts in fighting other Jews for their personal power over Jews. Such disgraceful fratricidal fight they call "Strong Leadership", and their first targets are always wise Jews, who are able to understand what's going on.
that's what they do days and nights, digressing only for screaming oversimplified slogans and for spreading deceitful swears.
We have created and fully developed victorious complex of wise remedies long time ago. For all these years nobody was able to find even slightest flaw in these real remedies.
Nobody even understand why Israel is dying... We are 100% ready to provide you with victory. We just need retainer from the customers to start
Can somebody answer straight questions about themselves:
- Why the Jews don't use brains, not interested in facts, but stupidly repeat deceitful suicidal propaganda?
- Why instead of learning and supporting victorious wise remedies, Jews keep kissing shoes of the same bureaucrats who screwed Israel up and thrown the Jews down into a very deep shit?
Stop supporting these big mouth brainless political shamans, let the real doctor with real remedies save the patient
Do it right now, while it is not too late...
© Yosef Yakov-Lev, CEO
New York Middle East Institute - www.NYMEI.org